Happy New Year all!
I confess, time seems to have lost all meaning over the last few years (thanks Covid!) and as such this ramble is a little later than planned. But anyway, let’s get rambling!
Looking Back at 2022!

2022 was the first full year we’ve had in our new premises. To say we were apprehensive about moving would be the most understated statement that had ever been understated! But after what is now 14 months in our new location we’re looking forward to the future!
As it stands today the move was definitely the right choice! We’ve seen loads of new customers, have a proper street presence, and have much more space! Admittedly at heart I’m still nervous about the move, especially with the looming spectre of recession on the horizon and the cost of living crisis that is having an impact on everyone. However these are things that are outside on my control, and all we can do is focus on the store and what were doing and hope that with continued customer support we’ll keep going from strength to strength!
Overall, 2022 was very much a learning curve! It been good to see what works in store and what doesn’t. It’s also interesting seeing the change in customer and store user demographic between the old store and new store. 2022 has been a positive experience for the store, and while I’m 80% happy with how things are there is definitely still room to make things better!
So, without further ado, let’s talk about some of those things I want to improve in 2023!
The Website
It’s mad to think that 3 years ago the store didn’t really have a website. Then in March 2020, everything changed. (Sounds the opening line of a TV show!) Anyway, thanks to Covid-19 we went from not having a website to being an online store basically overnight. The website was built quickly and was designed to allow us to survive in the short term, fast forward to now and it makes up for a good amount of our business.
The website has now reached a point where the original build is no longer fit for purpose, and it’s managed to develop a few gremlins. We’ve tried making the appropriate prayers to the server gods and burning incense, but it’s now gotten to the point where it needs a rebuild… So, that’s exactly what we’re going to go. Over the next few months, we’ll be working on a new site and once it’s ready we’ll let you know!

This is a big one for us, events are a key part of the store in 2022 they’ve been ok. Unfortunately, due in the main to a lack of time on my part we’ve not done as much as we would have liked. However, I’m really thankful to our community who have been organising their own events and having us host them. In 2023, I want to see the store hold more events that cover a range of demographics – i.e. tabletop games, TCG’s and more!
I’ve been working on an events schedule for the first half of the year and, once I’ve finished writing this will start getting dates published! Events will cover, 40K, Bolt Action, Blood Bowl, Magic, and more so watch this space!
We’re also aware that sometimes we don’t give enough notice for events, hence why I’m trying to get the first half of the year planned out to give people time to plan 😊
Looking Forward
I think 2023 is going to be an ‘interesting’ year (see ancient Chinese proverb about living in interesting times…). Like I’ve already said our plan for 2023 is to keep providing a high level of service while running more and more varied events and generally continuing to improve what the store offers.
It’s strange for me to think that this year will be my 6th year involved with the store and in August we’ll be celebrating our 9th Store Birthday.
Anyway, my ramble is now becoming rambling to I’ll leave it here.
Thank you
Be safe
We love you
Matt x