Following our move at the end of last year we’ve finally had time to review our event schedule!
Here is the current plan from now until the end of March!
Monday: The shop won’t be open, but we’ll be playing D&D in store from 6pm – 10pm! If you want to play to be a DM let us know and we can get some groups arranged! All groups will begin with a Session Zero to make sure everyone is comfortable!
Tuesday: Tuesday is Pokemon and Age of Sigmar! We’ll have AoS casual play from 6pm. Our Pokemon event will start at 7.30pm with casual games from 6pm.
Wednesday: Wednesday will be our main wargames night which kicks off from 6pm! We’ll also be hosting Flesh & Blood and Digimon Events, both will start at 7.30pm.
Thursday: Thursday nights is our Super Cazh Boardgames Night, we’ll also be running alternating Legacy and Pauper MTG events. Casual gaming kicks off from 6pm, with our tournaments starting at 7.30pm.
Friday: Friday is FNM! The format will rotate between Standard, Pioneer, and Modern, Casual gaming from 6pm with the tournaments starting at 7.30. Commander players, there’ll be space for pods as well!
Saturday: We’ll be running weekly Saturday Showdown Events, like FNM these will rotate between Standard, Pioneer, and Modern. The first Saturday of the month will see these events be replaced with larger prize pool events, these will rotate between Pioneer, Modern, and Legacy!
Saturdays will also see us looking to run other things like painting lessons, our monthly painting event, and small wargames tournaments!
Sunday: It’s casual Commander Day! We’ll also be running weekly Sunday Showdown Events, like FNM these will rotate between Standard, Pioneer, and Modern. In the afternoon we’ll be running a weekly draft or sealed event. The first Sunday of the month will be sealed, the last Sunday on the month will be Cube Draft, the other Sundays will be normal drafts of a random set. In addition, we’ll also be running D&D on a Sunday evening giving people 2 opportunities to play!
We’ll review the events at the end of March. If any aren’t working, we’ll review and looked at changing things up if needed! The schedule will kick in fully once the Kamigawa Pre Release has taken place.